In 2015, the farms of the Siberian Federal District will increase grain harvest by 5.95% - up to 13.793 million tons in net weight, said Vladimir Petrichenko, General Director of ProZerno LLC, as part of the XI Grain Round Table on Thursday in Novosibirsk.

Of the regions of Siberia, where the share of grain cultivation is the highest, the largest increase in the yield will be in the Novosibirsk region - by 25.3%, to 2.236 million tons. In the Altai Territory, the grain harvest will increase by 16.2%, to 3.83 million tons, in the Kemerovo Region - by 9.4%, to 1.06 million tons, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory - by 6.5%, to 2.35 million tons, Omsk region - by 2.7%, up to 3.2 million tons.

At the same time, in a number of regions where the share of grain cultivation is already small, the harvest may still decrease: in Buryatia by 60.2%, to 32.4 thousand tons, in the Trans-Baikal Territory - by 42.1%, to 122 .3 million tons, in the Irkutsk region - by 39.7%, up to 517.4 thousand tons, in Khakassia - by 30.8%, up to 112.7 thousand tons.

IA "Khakassia"

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