— The area under crops in 2016 in the region will be 2.34 million hectares. For grain, there will be an increase of 24 thousand hectares to 1.54 million hectares. Basically, the increase occurred precisely due to unused land, - stated the Governor of the Novosibirsk Region Vladimir Gorodetsky during a press conference.

He admitted that this was a meager amount, but noted that a lot of preparatory work was underway in the region on a through inventory of land. Last year it was held in 5 districts of the region. More than 1000 hectares of land that was in the regional property turned out to be neither registered nor delimited, it was never in use.

—Now we have an accurate picture of what legal form each piece of land is in these areas, how it is used, whether rent is paid for it. The task is to complete an end-to-end analysis of the land resource for all agricultural areas in 2016, he added.

According to the head of the region, there are lands in the districts that employees of agricultural enterprises received as shares and could not competently dispose of them. There are many lands that are not used by the farms themselves.

- Now, within the framework of our regional legislation and capabilities, we are working out a mechanism for transferring these agricultural lands to direct use. Relevant federal legislation is also being developed in the State Duma. After the inventory, when we have a cut of land use, it will be easier for us to apply legislative actions to unscrupulous owners, Gorodetsky is sure.

He recalled that there is interest in the region from farms that would like to develop a large area of ​​land, but so far cannot do it. According to preliminary data, about 662 thousand hectares of land in the region are not used in crop rotation.


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